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BES — 2021

What They Said

Blue Earth Summit through the eyes of the attendees.

""I'll be at Blue Earth discussing how climate litigation can and must alter our current pathway.""

Laura Clarke - CEO, Client Earth

""We’ll be at Blue Earth Summit to be inspired by other purpose-led businesses." "

Jamie Laing & Ed Williams - Founders, Candy Kittens.

"“The energy in the room is extraordinary.” "

Nick Storrs - Partner, Taylor Wessing

"Never underestimate the power of small numbers of committed people to drive change."

Charles Clover - Executive Director and Co-Founder, Blue Marine Foundation.

"What an incredible event the Blue Earth Summit was! Jam-packed with talks, workshops, films, art, lots of super awesome and inpiring people. Even a spot of surfing (well more like falling for me!) at the Wave."

Sal Montgomery - Expedition Leader for BBC/ UKTV Documentaries, Professional Kayaker and Adventurer

"The Blue Earth Summit certainly didn't disappoint! Any conference that encourages your to network in the lineup at The Wave, on a run or a cycle, the day after an action packed schedule of inspiring speakers at motion nightclub in Bristol definitely gets my vote."

Briony Venn - Corporate Citizenship at Accenture

"I wish all conferences were like this. Innovation, collaboration, shared visions. With great keynote speakers, talks on healthy minds, adventure, wildlife, supply chain, sustainability and the change needed from all of us."

Steve Trethowan - Head Of Global Sales at Flexi-Hex

Who you'll meet at Blue Earth