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Anselm Guise

Owner, Elmore Court Estate

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Speaker Bio

Anselm Guise is one for a new generation of land managers and countryside custodians working to move the dial away from traditional methods and thinking into a place which is more aligned with nature and exploring ways to both serve the needs of our planet and of people.

He is the owner of the Elmore Court Estate in Gloucestershire where he has set up an award winning hospitality business set into an environment where he is rewilding and farming using regenerative processes as well as developing a high end ecotourism business so that guests can stay in a place that is more of a natural, biodiverse and wild England. Anselm’s background before all of this was set firmly in the world of electronic music where he successfully ran music festivals such as the Glade Festival, record labels, nightclubs and worked the circuit as a techno and trance DJ.

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