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Our Three Content Pillars For Blue Earth Summit 2023

“Business as usual” is no longer an option. We all need to change how we live and work to protect the planet. But the question remains: how should it be done?

At Blue Earth Summit, we believe in a new way of doing business. Each year, we bring together a community of changemakers in Bristol – one of the UK’s greenest cities. Our goal is to inspire environmentally-conscious business practices and transform the way we live and work. 

Alongside our top-tier keynote speakers, we host action-focused panels and workshops that give businesses the tools they need, whether how to get B-Corp Certified or the chance to win investment for the future.

As a community, we share a belief that the power of the outdoors can be a force for good. Together, we imagine what the world will look like if we do things differently – and how we will make it happen.

Content Pillars for 2023

We’ve identified three core pillars of content to guide our programming for Blue Earth Summit 2023:

Pillar 1: Adventure and the Outdoors

The power of the outdoors is at the heart of Blue Earth Summit. Our community is made up of people who get told some mountains are too big to climb – and go ahead and do it anyway. 

Our passion for the outdoors doesn’t just give us a reason to exist as a summit: it binds us together as a movement. A movement that will explore how the outdoors brings us together – from urban football pitches to remote mountain passes and wild, windswept beaches. 

As a small set of islands interwoven by beautiful rivers and seas, we will highlight river and ocean health in detail and look at what we can do to protect our precious waterways. 

This pillar will ask important questions about access, inclusion, and representation in the outdoors and provide even more platforms for multiple narratives and experiences across a diverse programme. 

We will also connect on a deeper level, exploring the relationship between the outdoors and our health and well-being. How the outdoors can inspire dynamic community action, including tackling plastic pollution, protecting surf ecosystems, and protesting for the right to wild camp. 

Pillar 2: Purpose-led Business

We want to celebrate businesses that put the well-being of people and the planet first – and support other companies wherever they are on their journey. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental for any company to succeed. This means respecting our differences regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin. It also means challenging the business and community models that exclude or fail to appreciate the diversity of life experiences. 

We also recognise a desire to challenge the exploitative systems at the heart of our economy by embracing circular economies and regenerative systems. To challenge the hidden hand of the investors and shareholders that put profit above people and the planet.

We will explore the developments in technology, culture, and innovation that can transform the future of work from four-day weeks to hybrid working. From the triple-bottom-line – people, planet, and profit – to improving environmental, social, and governance to generate real value for all. 

Pillar 3: Re-imagining Futures

When we look at the future of the planet, we can often be left feeling hopeless. But without hope, we fail to act. Without hope, we do not challenge the systems and the leaders that are failing. And without hope, business as usual continues.

Feedback from last year’s event told us that we want to be inspired. This area of programming will allow us to think beyond current failings. It will allow us to dream of futures inspired by the power of the outdoors. Futures re-imagined from the local to the global, exploring what we can change and where we can make a real difference. 

We aim to give a platform to big questions such as energy transition, progressive models of community and business as well as ensuring better leadership and real accountability, the future of the built environment, and dynamic new nature-based solutions.

A great deal of change is underway in the UK with the reality of Brexit setting in and a post-pandemic economy starting to re-emerge. In this changing context, we ask how the power of the outdoors can inspire community and transform business for the future health of people and the planet. 

Pre-register for this year’s Blue Earth Summit to ensure you’re part of the “must attend summit for purpose led business”. Sign up here.

You can also follow us on LinkedInTwitter and Instagram to keep up to date with event news and announcements.


Learn more
about Blue Earth

Blue Earth runs industry leading impact events. Inspired by the great outdoors, we are a movement of people on a mission to transform the way the world works. A forum for reimagined futures. A Summit to find solutions that regenerate our natural world.

We draw inspiration from time spent in the great outdoors. Our agenda is one that backs business to deliver positive change for people and planet. We are forward thinking and optimistic. We welcome solutionists. We are a platform for the future where people, planet and profit work together. A reimagined future where everything thrives and no one gets left behind.

We are on a mission to transform the way the world works. To reach our goals, we must work across industries to reduce our collective impact. This transformative approach is good for business and it's essential for our planet.

You can view and purchase tickets for our Summit on our Ticket page or register to attend one of our upcoming Futures events

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