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Talking Power of the Pension with Circa5000

The topic of investing your money can feel a bit intimidating to some people. Visions of rich men in suits rushing around the city, bagel in hand and tie flapping over one shoulder is often what springs to mind. But, with a renewed sense of ownership and a generational shift in people’s attitudes, your standard ‘investor’ may not be exactly what you think.

“Today we’ve got a new wave of people who are looking to invest that see their money as a force for good in the world and want to see and know what it’s doing. That’s a generational shift in people’s attitudes to sustainability, climate and social issues”.

Circa5000 are one investment company that are doing things a little differently. They’re on a mission to invest money in a better world by backing groundbreaking businesses solving world problems. Having recently achieved B Corp status, highlighting the positive values and transparency that runs throughout the company,

“Bringing you closer to the real world impact that your investments are having is our strength and differentiation. It’s very easy for us to be transparent because we’re proud of what’s invested in”.

We’re delighted to welcome Circa5000 Co-founders, Tom McGillycuddy and Matt Latham to the latest episode of our Blue Earth Summit podcast where they discuss the importance of transparent investment, looking towards industries of the future and taking that first step into the world of purposeful investment.

“Most people in the UK have a work place pension scheme, but they don’t know what that money is invested in. It’s almost impossible to find out what your investments are, so we’re trying to fly the flag for people to push for more”.

“We should be aligning our pensions with the industries of the future. The world that we want to live in into our retirement”.

With a minimum investment amount set at just £5, Circa5000 have created an opportunity for your average person to start getting involved and thinking about where they want their money to end up.

“The best thing you can do to start investing in your own future is just to start. Start at a level that’s small enough to feel comfortable for you”.

“The main barrier you have to get over as a new investor is not a technical or mathematical one, it’s an emotional one. It’s that emotional difference of watching your money fluctuate in value. That’s something you need to get used to”.

Catch Tom McGillycuddy delivering a talk and panel discussion at this year’s Blue Earth Summit. Book tickets now.


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about Blue Earth

Blue Earth runs industry leading impact events. Inspired by the great outdoors, we are a movement of people on a mission to transform the way the world works. A forum for reimagined futures. A Summit to find solutions that regenerate our natural world.

We draw inspiration from time spent in the great outdoors. Our agenda is one that backs business to deliver positive change for people and planet. We are forward thinking and optimistic. We welcome solutionists. We are a platform for the future where people, planet and profit work together. A reimagined future where everything thrives and no one gets left behind.

We are on a mission to transform the way the world works. To reach our goals, we must work across industries to reduce our collective impact. This transformative approach is good for business and it's essential for our planet.

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