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Waterhaul’s Successful Investment Round

22 July 2024, 11:45 am

by: Freddie O'Shea

Waterhaul’s Successful £1 Million Investment Round to Propel Environmental Impact

BlueEarth Waterhaul

Blue Earth Announces Waterhaul's Successful £1 Million Investment Round to Propel Environmental Impact

From the rugged coasts of Cornwall, where the waves carry reminders of a global crisis, Waterhaul emerges as a beacon of innovation and commitment in the fight against plastic pollution. Under the guidance of Harry Dennis and Gavin Parker, both visionary leaders and environmental advocates, Waterhaul has transformed the menace of discarded fishing nets into a symbol of sustainable change---stylish sunglasses. Today, Waterhaul is excited to announce significant expansions in their recycling operations and to reflect on the instrumental role of the Blue Earth Summit in their journey.

A Journey from the Shorelines to the Forefront of Sustainability

Founded by Harry Dennis, who first encountered the pervasive threat of plastic waste at Surfers Against Sewage, Waterhaul was born from the stark realisation that impactful change comes from reimagining waste as a resource.

"The idea was simple yet revolutionary: transform the ocean's waste into the ocean's want. If we saw discarded plastic as valuable as money, our beaches would quickly look very different".

Harry Dennis, Waterhaul

His experience on the frontlines of environmental advocacy catalysed the creation of Waterhaul. The company started with a line of sunglasses crafted from 100% recycled fishing nets, a product that soon became the cornerstone of their mission, demonstrating the untapped value in reclaimed materials.

Celebrating the Blue Earth Summit Partnership

The turning point for Waterhaul came with their participation in the Blue Earth Summit, a convergence of minds and missions aligned with environmental stewardship and innovative business solutions. It was here that Waterhaul not only showcased their sustainable products but also their scalable business model, which attracted significant attention and investment.

"Presenting at the Blue Earth Summit was not merely an opportunity; it was a critical moment of validation for our methods and mission. This event connected us with our first major investor, sparking a wave of support that has been essential for our growth."

Harry Dennis, Waterhaul


The summit not only reaffirmed Waterhaul's commitment to environmental impact, securing investment, but also solidified a lasting partnership with Kia. This partnership has continued to provide valuable platforms for visibility and networking. Blue Earth's Ventures team played a pivotal role in supporting Waterhaul's successful funding round, which raised £981,390 from a combination of strategic angel investors, institutional funds, and public contributions.

"The Blue Earth team guided us every step of the way through the funding process, enhancing both its efficiency and success. Their introduction to an expansive network led to ongoing partnerships, topping off our achievements. We are now exceptionally well-positioned to execute our growth plan, backed by solid funding, strategic support, and a heightened awareness of our initiatives."

Harry Dennis, Waterhaul

Watch the full Waterhaul pitch at Blue Earth Summit 2023:

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Blue Earth Summit: BE100 2023 | Waterhaul

Recent Funding Round

Waterhaul recently secured a substantial funding round, amassing £981,390 from a variety of sources, reflecting widespread support and confidence in their mission. The breakdown of the funding includes:

£454,976 from angel investors, a strategic investment of £200,000 from the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Investment Fund, an impactful partnership with Broody valued at £161,000, and £165,414 raised through a community-driven crowdfunding effort.

Scaling Impact: Looking to the Future

With the foundations laid and partnerships fortified, Waterhaul is now focusing on expanding their operational capabilities. The recent successful crowdfunding campaign is a testament to the strength and support of their community. Over 69% of Waterhaul's customers have engaged in direct action against plastic pollution, inspired by the company's commitment and communication.

"Our future is clearly focused on scaling our impact. We are enhancing our collection networks, increasing our recycling capacity, and continuing to innovate in product development," Harry details. The community's transition from supporters to shareholders has further solidified this mission, embedding Waterhaul's objectives in the fabric of a broader environmental movement.

An Invitation to Join the Movement

As Waterhaul looks to the horizon, they invite the community, stakeholders, and new partners to join them in this pivotal next phase. The company's dedication to transparency, community engagement, and groundbreaking initiatives promises to reshape how businesses address environmental challenges.

About Waterhaul

Waterhaul is a Cornwall-based environmental enterprise founded by Harry Dennis and Gavin Parker. By repurposing oceanic waste into valuable products, Waterhaul confronts plastic pollution head-on, promoting sustainability through community-focused initiatives and innovative business practices.
