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We are excited to announce Noughts & Ones as our next partner for ‘22

From the sites we use to purchase those ‘absolute necessities’ to the courier services we select to deliver them, the decisions we make online should be as tangibly eco-conscious as any others we make. But often they are not. Despite our best efforts, it can be almost impossible to gauge the environmental impact of our digital presence. Thankfully, that is where our latest brand partner Noughts & Ones come in. 

Comprising a team of savvy Shopify experts, the Bristol-based web design company equips their clients with the ability to cultivate successful online storefronts whilst retaining a core focus on sustainable build, design and output. Through their trademark Conscious Development™ framework, Noughts & Ones is helping to foster an age of e-conscious ecommerce, revolutionising the ways in which digital brands operate from the bottom up. 

With a previous client roster boasting businesses such as plant-based cleaning brand OceanSaver, Dragons’ Den debutants and plastic-free deodorant company Fussy and electric motorcycle producer Maeving, the Noughts & Ones team shares a vast array of industry experience that we cannot wait for you to learn from later this year.

We are especially pleased to announce that Noughts & Ones’ founder, Tom Locke, will join us as part of our action-packed workshop line-up. 

Following various stints working for other digital agencies, Tom started Noughts & Ones in 2018 after realising his expertise in web design and his passion for the planet offered the potential for a real synergetic game changer in the ecommerce space.

“Noughts & Ones is simply a platform for myself and the team to use our skills and professional careers for good, by doing what we do as consciously as possible and partnering with like-minded businesses”. 

Taking a few days away from his beloved collection of houseplants and his canine bestie Winston, Tom will run two excellent workshops as part of the 2022 Blue Earth Summit. 

Sustainability in a Digital World: 5 things you can start doing tomorrow to improve your online footprint

From recycling our plastic waste to carefully selecting the food we eat, most of us work hard to reduce the environmental footprint we produce in our daily lives. But what does it mean to be more sustainable online? And how do we get there?

In a world increasingly and ever dictated by the digital space, it is more important than ever that our online activities create as little a negative impact on the planet as possible. For some, indeed for many, the path ahead might appear to be a confusing one. If that message resonates with you, Tom’s workshop is an absolute must watch.

As one of the country’s few environmentally conscious digerati, Tom will explain precisely what digital sustainability is, how it works and offer five immediate and actionable ways to change your online footprint for the better. There is certainly no greater time than the present to make the right decisions for the planet, both online and off. 

Profit with Purpose: using conscious community to boost online revenue

For the business owners amongst you, Tom will also run a workshop dedicated towards growing your organisation’s financial revenues in a way that puts the planet first. 

As Tom will tell you, it is no longer good enough for business leaders to operate within a sustainability vacuum. In order to make a functional difference to the world, the eco-savvy entrepreneur of tomorrow must also demand change of those they do business with, whether it be partners, suppliers, contractors or customers. 

Join Tom as he talks Conscious Consumerism and discusses how building a proper business network can mark real change not only for the planet but your bottom line too. Make sure to arm yourselves with questions for the subsequent Q&A session as well and leave secure in the knowledge that you can grow your brands in the right way. 


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about Blue Earth

Blue Earth runs industry leading impact events. Inspired by the great outdoors, we are a movement of people on a mission to transform the way the world works. A forum for reimagined futures. A Summit to find solutions that regenerate our natural world.

We draw inspiration from time spent in the great outdoors. Our agenda is one that backs business to deliver positive change for people and planet. We are forward thinking and optimistic. We welcome solutionists. We are a platform for the future where people, planet and profit work together. A reimagined future where everything thrives and no one gets left behind.

We are on a mission to transform the way the world works. To reach our goals, we must work across industries to reduce our collective impact. This transformative approach is good for business and it's essential for our planet.

You can view and purchase tickets for our Summit on our Ticket page or register to attend one of our upcoming Futures events

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