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BESummit - 2022

Workshop Sessions

Blue Earth Summit Workshops

BESummit - 2022

Day 01

Profit with Purpose: Using conscious community to boost online revenue

Tom Locke

This will be a workshop based around growing your organisation’s revenue whilst connecting with your customer’s needs for a credible planet-first approach. As an eco-savvy business leader or brand owner, you’re likely to already be doing things the right way, but in 2022 it’s no longer enough to just operate sustainably. In order to truly demonstrate that you’re committed to being planet-friendly you also need to demand the same of those you do business with, be it partners, suppliers or contractors. This is where the idea of your Conscious Network comes into play.

Tom will talk about ‘conscious consumerism’ and how building a network can grow your impact not just on the planet but also the bottom line. He’ll show you how expectations differ across generations and demonstrate ways in which you can boost profit from customers right across the board. The workshop will finish with a Q&A session leaving you ready to grow your profit with purpose!

Sustainability in a Digital World: 5 things you can start doing tomorrow to improve your online footprint

Tom Locke

In a world of digital tools, software and platforms, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the impact your online activities can have on the planet. If that’s something you’ve not thought about before, or want to explore more, this one hour workshop is for you, regardless of your technical background and digital know-how.

Tom will explain what digital sustainability is and show you 5 immediately actionable ways to reduce your digital footprint, leaving you feeling empowered in the knowledge that you’re doing another good thing for our planet.

Leap into Action

Fi Macmillan

Our ancestors listened to the living world for guidance. Be a modern day change-maker by taking a walk to discover your ‘leap project’. This leap is the one thing that you’ll do over the next 12 months to make a big difference. Learn how to connect with the living world when you step out to have a bigger conversation with yourself, your colleagues and the living world. Sign up if you want to plan your impact from a bigger place.

Responsible Sourcing: Social and Labour Top Tips

Kate Larsen

There are a flurry of new laws for business human rights due diligence for decent work, living wage, and anti forced labour, which mean new standards business partners expect brands to work toward. These reflect social expectations that businesses dig deeper into global supply chains to understand real conditions, and use leverage to influence step by step improvements towards equalities, cleaner production, and even helping the lowest paid out of slums.

Learn why and how businesses, even small, can take more of these new steps. With 20 years ethical trade experience, Kate Larsen will share her knowledge working with sites in China, Asia, the UK, and around the world investigating where environmental, social and labour improvements are needed.

Responsible Sourcing: Environmental Top Tips

Kate Larsen

Emerging new legislation around the world and customer expectations mean companies need to make greater environmental efforts. Often, these are in our global supply chains where so many of our things are made. This workshop is led by Kate Larsen who has worked with brands and suppliers for several years in China and Asia to help them improve not only labour, but also environmental conditions.

Join Kate to discuss what can work to help factories and other suppliers reduce air and water emissions, waste, and respect ecology. Hear about Kate’s quick win tools to monitor risk and free training programmes and tools for suppliers, as well as how your brand can take easy steps to reduce “Scope 3” supply chain carbon footprint, emissions and improve environmental stewardship.

Revealing the Hidden Roots of Sustainability

Benjamin Casteillo

This is a radical new interactive workshop for those who want to discover and explore a fundamental dimension to the sustainability crisis. Using special cards and sets of questions, the participants will be invited to deep dive into the subject of sustainability to discover what is causing humans to destroy their planet ecosystems and their futures. This workshop is about using a transdisciplinary approach to develop our level of collective intelligence and our individual ability to design solutions that address the core of the problem in new ways.

Participants will learn how to take these root causes and human aspects into consideration, expand their awareness in a new direction and advance their response to the crisis in a holistic way.

Day 02

Fire Your Imagination

Fi Macmillan

Find out how and why you come up with more ideas, make better decisions and increase focus when you step into nature. Working with the key steps of outdoor intelligence, take a walk to solve current challenges, generate new ideas, surf the wave of group inspiration. Discover how to take game-changing thinking back to work.

Power up Your Purpose - How to Activate Kindness at Work

Magnus Wood

Globally 88% of people say they would like to work for a kind organisation; yet only 66% describe where they work as kind and third of UK Gen Z employees would leave work for less pay to work for an organisation that does more good.

#workind is a movement, a manifesto, and a global online gathering of people who are working with soul and purpose, learning together, and lifting each other up. This workshop is for anyone who believes in their power to work and leave everyone and everything better, taking action through work and create positive change.

How? What? Why? Strategic Guidelines and Practical Advice to Successfully Transition into the New Business Era

B Corp 101

Andy Hawkins

B Leader, Andy Hawkins will be talking B Corp 101, covering the reasons why a company should consider becoming certified, how the process works, as well as dispelling any myths and misconceptions during his upcoming workshop at the Blue Earth Summit. He will also explain how completing the B Impact Assessment can help to make your company better, fitter and stronger as we navigate our way through a post-pandemic world.

Planet-Centric Design: Reimagining Sustainability

Kwame Ferreira & Kathrin Dimai

Planet Centric Design is a methodology for designing products, services and ways of working that enhance real environmental, social and economic sustainability. We call this planetary value.

In this workshop, you will get a taste of this methodology, by testing some of our analog and AI-enhanced tools, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to create business propositions that positively impact people and the planet.

Who you'll meet at Blue Earth